Had sex last night with some chick I've known for a few months. She came to town and I dunno, she's really cool, really hot, and she just.. wanted to sleep with me. It was... nice. Haha. I was drunk. I dunno. It was a weird blur but it was good, she said I was the best she'd been with, blah blah, the usual stuff. Anyway, she has 2 kids and doesn't want a serious relationship and she lives like an hour away, so things are weird. But I dunno. She works hard, she's insanely cool, and she's only the 2nd girl I've ever had SEXUAL INTERCOURSE with. Of course the best part was just sleeping next to her afterwards. Fun night... of course I still thought about my ex during it. Blah. Then I hit a deer on the way home. No, I wasn't drunk then, the drunkness wore off. Still the weirdest night of my life.