The SY show tonight was so amazing. I got there early in hopes of hearing some of the soundcheck and they played Mote in its entirety and it sounded great. Steve came out and I said the Mote sound check sounded amazing, and he told me thanks, but that they were not going to play it tonight, and that in the next few days they were going to start playing it. Right before the third song, Thurston said "This is from a record called EVOL" but then he corrected himself and said "This is from Sister" I think he said Sister, but I am not all the way sure, and I can't figure out what song it was.
EDIT: The song is Catholic Block
Catholic Block
Jams Run Free
Sleepin Around
Do You Believe in Rapture
What a Waste
The Neutral
Pink Steam
Turquoise Boy
Lights Out
Eric's Trip
Shaking Hell