that wasn't very helpful was it?
i'm a lazy twat and always in a hurry.
i'll spare some time and attention to this place for a change and hopefully help you or some google tourist.
there really is no need to plug the hdd to other machine, in fact it doesn't make much sense, and by mounting the drive you'll potentially overwrite your precious mistakenly erased data.
live cd's, live usb's or whatever load into ram, allowing you to access your hdd without compromising data.
you can get clonezilla here:
i'm guessing you know how to burn an iso file and boot a cd, if you don't, just ask it here.
once you're booting up that cd what you want to do is to load the kernel to ram and enter a shell.
clonezilla has a graphical interface so you just have to pick those options using the arrow keys.
once you're looking at a flashing bar you can start interacting with the shell.
ntfsundelete is a program that can scan your ntfs partition for deleted files and recover them.
you can read about it by typing in the shell:
use the arrow keys to skim through it, press q to close the manual.
you need to tell ntfsundelete where and what to look for. to find the path for your ntfs partition type in the shell:
this prints out the hdd partition table, the path to your partition should be something like /dev/sda2
type in:
sudo ntfsundelete fullpathtoyourpartition -m 'filename' -p 100 > filesfound.lst
this scans for fully recoverable files that match the filename and outputs the results to a file.
you can have a look at the results by typing in:
with luck, ntfsundelete found something.
plug a usb drive and take a look at the partition to get it's path.
it should be something like /dev/sda3
create a directory for it and mount the drive.
sudo mkdir /media/phoenixpendrive && sudo mount fullpathtoyourdrive /media/phoenixdrive && sudo mkdir /media/phoenixdrive/restoredfiles
recover the files and send them to your usbdrive:
sudo ntfsundelete fullpathtoyourpartition -u -m 'filename' -p 100 -d /media/phoenixdrive/restoredfiles
unmount the usb drive
sudo umount /media/phoenixdrive
and that's it.
echo goodbye phoenix && sudo shutdown -r now
p.s. if you dont recall the filelame use '*.mdb', '*.ldb' or whatever your file extension was.