Originally Posted by knox
yes i was wondering about the bra burning thing. i read it never happened, but people seem to get extremely upset at that, because that's what feminism is/was all about, burning bras, right.
it's because ppl have all sorts of reservations about feminism which really make me doubt the compassion/worth of mankind. feminism is not something which is really that radical. i think that most of us can agree that women deserve basic human rights. people think that feminism is about dismantling all male power, as though power is a completely limited resource and if one person has it the other can't. feminism is about
empowerment which is not finite like such.
the fact that people continue to hold onto all these stereotypes about crazy radical feminazis with hairy legs and arms who's only goals in life involve male castration just goes to prove how strict our conception of gender roles are. we still get nervous when women start to step outside of their place and define themselves outside of the male gaze.
also, there is actually information out there about how the fbi got all freaked out about dem crazy feminists and went to absurd lengths to turn feminists against each other and dismantle the movement. if you are interested, read ruth rosen - and the world split open.
edit: lol, this time when westernquinoxrox neg repped, he actually added a comment to go along with it!!!!