i don't really have much more to add because i have to go to the other place where they have hedgehogs in shrapnel bombs waiting beneath the bumblebee tuna fixtures all ready to explode all ready to go -
and there was a visciously wide wingspan, all silk and transparent, catching, collecting the rays and moving along the -
oh and the patriarch's voice booming, booming,
what are you doing down here with the dregs, with the failed busters and slobbering giants?
but there was another segment just coming around the bend and it was all clean shaven and entry level artist; hovering with a brush stroke, hesitant and self doubt rittling her esteeem...but she drew from a strong source, from her own vitality and she screamed out at the barriers...
and suddenly a shrieking light smashed crystals across her eyes and there was her partner; another woman, all ready to work with two hands filled with toil and long distance glint in her eyes.
'you heard about the new wall?' the first hollered.
'i break walls,' soft retort. and they all went together building houses in Sudan circa 2014.
'They said we'd die two years ago,' a scoff, a lilt.
'They said they couldn't feel again.' solid and now repeating.