i dont know where youre coming from saying uoy (see what i did there) was their weakest record. That album is amazing the long opener going against your mind, the gorgeous single conventional wisdom and the bad ass wastin time and the dreamy just a habit.If anything Ancient melodies is their weakest even doug thinks so.
Anyway im real excited about the new album ive heard a few of them live but i wanted to be surprised by the new lp so i havent listened to many of them. Glad to see tomorrow and lifes a dream finally get on a real record. Cant wait to see them live again, they put on one of the best concerts everyone here should go.
"I said I didnt mean to take up all your sweet time
Ill give it right back one of these days
If I dont meet you no more in this world then uh
Ill meet ya on the next one
And dont be late "
-Jimi Hendrix
...And me just another dream theory, lost inside your eye
"when my mind's uncertain my body decides
what it will do to get through the hell of the night
as I trip on the ocean that leads through your eyes
well my eyes can't wait til they finally see through you"