Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
SYG what the fuck happened. There used to be a day where discussing bands like this would be unspeakable, but here we are, talking about how great all these shitty artists are (including GaGa, seriously what the fuck). It seems to be some novelty to me or something, otherwise I cannot at all fathom how such incredibly mediocre bands could be a topic of conversation on the message board one of the most talented bands in the world.
My best friend met Pnau once, and one of them (the one in empire of the sun and teenager) turned out to be a right cunt. It doesn't surprise me given how incredibly pretentious and overhyped his music is.
But seriously, SYG.
You forget of the time when all you used to talk about was fucking Authecre, with short pauses to post your ambient stuff. Every day. In every thread. Always.