Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I've never been there.
I'm so intensely jealous right now.
...I was just thinking today how much I like the song the gloaming vs everytime thom says "gloaming" making me want to punch stuff.
man, I practically started hallucinating it was so fucking intense when that song came on live.. fuck the haterz.. the gloaming live at the hollywood bowl is a perfect example of why I listen to radiohead. the fuck bass from the loudest outdoor sound system in los angeles was shaking the fucking whole venue (and its big mind you!) into a rhythmic pulse... the sky was stars, the full moon was rising.. it was beyond these petty descriptions...
but reggae night is perfect for an entirely different reason than radiohead was. Radiohead was good because of the sound, the atmosphere, the venue, the hype, the difficulty (actually miracle) in getting into that show..
Reggae night is all about mutual love, dancing together in positiveness, and that is something Los Angeles needs desperately. I just am always brought near to tears at the sight of it, let alone to be participating, dancing a storm until my clothes are soaked through with sweat.. but its not like at a dancehall where i am sweating for myself or because of myself.. no the bowl feels like the kind of collective sweat you get from good sex only far more spiritual considering the vibe of 20,000 people focusing on positive energy and putting asside all the bullshit for a minute...
one good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain.. so brutalize me with music!