Originally Posted by Better_Than_Deux
that it can happen or it does happen??
in an infinite universe, anything that CAN happen WILL happen, eventually.
it's all about potentiality.
particles can become entangled so that when one reacts to something, the other does too.
for example: force is applied which causes
entangled particle A to flip. on the other side of the universe,
engtagled particle B also flips. this occurs between entangled particles
no matter the distance.
according to the de Broglie-Bohm theory, "a guide-wave exists connecting what are perceived as individual particles such that the supposed hidden variables
are actually the particles themselves existing as functions of that wave."
so, basically, don't let unknowing people badger you for "new age shit", when it is in fact, science; SCIENCE THAT THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND.