Originally Posted by swa(y)
if he has the tendancy to want to be "mothered" you might be facing some very complicated issues....
like, mother him only if ya see that hes NEEDING it...
if yr wanting sex, be BITCHY (in a sexual way). dont let him have thoughts of "this is someone that mothers me", basically.
whenever yall do have sex, does it seems as if he takes a bit to long getting it up?
ermm he has mommy issues, but it has never really affected our sexy time ( until now? if that what it is, I dunno. )
It's never been an issue because I like being a bitch/tying him up for a play sometimes as much as he enjoys that kind of thing.
ermmmm when we do have sex no, there is no problems with any of that. THAT is what is annoying I guess. To me there is no reason for this BS behaviour. haha. Half the time I'm not allowed to 'go there' even when the rest of his body clearly wants it.