I was watching that Dan Graham interview with Thurston and Kim again and Kim mentioned how rock writing is kind of a dead art. I just got done reading Lester Bangs' "Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung" (excellent) and I'm about to read the biography Jim DeRogatis wrote about him (I heard it's pretty good, even if DeRogatis is an insufferable hack). The thing about people like Bangs, Meltzer, sometimes Coley, is that they're amazing as writers first and foremost, irrespective of the critical clout they bring to the table. Oftentimes Bangs will go on some elaborate tangent that has nothing to do with the music and you're still captivated. "James Taylor Marked For Death" is stunning. I can't think of anyone being that polemical and brilliant in recent times. I'm not enthused by many music publications today. Mark Prindle's reviews are truly funny stuff, he's honest and isn't looking to kiss anyone's ass. I don't even need to address Pitchfork. The Wire is way too academic and self-important most of the time. Certain Blastitude features have been awesome. Are there any music writers active now that are good WRITERS besides being music critcs? It doesn't have to be "rock" necessarily. The jazz writing world is one major area I'm wholly ignorant in.