Originally Posted by mil_pl
can you post it here?
in '77 I was nineteen living on East 13th Street in New york and paying, or trying to pay, $110 a month rent. I was bonkers, alone, with no social life. I met this girl and became obsessed with being in love with her. She was fucking this older writer poet guy who lived in my building on the top floor. I would hang out my window from afternoon to evening hoping and waiting for her to turn the corner. One day she knocked, came in and I knew we were gonna have to be together forever. Five minutes later the writer guy knocked and walked in all innocent and smiling and I realized the two of them had plans that day and she said, "OK, see y'later!" and i was like, "OK" and then I blanked out. It wasn't so tragic cuz I did eventually score some quality time with her (she was swedish!) but too many stupid hours were spent walking from the East Village to Tribeca, back and forth, chanting punker mantras of unrequited desire, hoping to run into this incredible on-the-loose girl.
I moved to New York early '77. I had planned it for the last couple of years, I fantasized about it constantly. My fantasies were fueled by the progressive development of punk, It was David Johansen to Patti Smith to John Cale to the Ramones to the Dictators to Punk Magazine to New York Rocker to Rock Scene to St. Mark's Place to Bleecker Bobs to Manic Panic to Gem Spa to Max's to CBGB, etc. I was playing in a Television/T. Heads-influenced art-rock band called the Coachmen. They were Rhode Island School of Design graduates (same school David Byrne went to) and they were older than me (early 20's). I met the leader guy in my hometown record store and he told me he was moving to New York to start a punk band. We pen-palled and I moved in and joined them.
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