now: cousins of reggae-methridge
lee perry-super ape
cheer accident-fear draws misfortune (its really good)
rfto bandwagon-drums will survive
sonic youth-goo
the stones-let it bleed (such a summer album, driving around with the windows open listening to gimme shelter smoking pot on the way to a party)
pigeon religion-the art for spastics podcast, finally some new az music ythat doesnt suck
kount fistula-magik sex world
electric bunnies/pink reason split
black flag-my war
antony milton-nymi comp (so awesome, ive never been able to get into this new zealund noise/drone dude because he has so many records in so many styles, but this is rad, one comp that spans the best of all his projects and bands from harsh noise to mind melting drone to absolute rocking psych bands)
axolotl and inca ore collab
blues control-local flavor
rusted shut-rusted shut (got the vinyl finally at armageddon in provi, i dont think there is a band out there that better exemplifies what im into as far as extreme music is concerned, kinda like the stones (everything up untill sticky fingers of course) for rock n roll)
listen to pink reason