JUST LIKE HEAVEN, Via di Torpignattara 53, 00177 Roma
They do second-hand and new, and specialize in post-rock, noise etc.
Disfunzioni Musicali - Via Degli Etruschi, 4714 (San Lorenzo)
They have mainly indie stuff, plus fanzines, magazines, t-shirts. The staff tend to be snobbish types, though.
Goody Music (for hip hop etc)
Via C. Beccaria 2
(zona Flaminio)
Mille Records (60's-70's rock, prog, psychedelic, rareties)
Via dei Mille 29-41
tel. 06 4453902 - 4453738- 4453835
(zona Termini)
One Love (Reggae)
Address : via di Porta Labicana 38, 00185 Roma
Rinascita (music, film, books)
Via Delle Botteghe Oscure 5/6 00186
Via Tiepolo, 4
Scala B - Interno 6
00196 Roma
tel. 0632609789