Professors Cornel West and Michael Eric Dyson assess Michael Jackson's cultural and social legacy.
Dr. Cornel West
Dr. Cornel West

Dr. West says that any great artist wrestles with fear and anxiety and transforms it into artistic expression. (3:02)
A renowned scholar, Princeton professor Dr. Cornel West
Dr. Michael Eric Dyson
Dr. Michael Eric Dyson

Dr. Dyson talks about Michael Jackson having to work harder as an African American as his music was not seen as an organic product of American culture. (3:49)
Dr. Michael Eric Dyson is a social analyst, ordained minister and best-selling author. Dyson teaches theology, English and African American studies at Georgetown University.
I don't usually watch Tavis Smiley but I like Dr Cornel West and their conversation sounded good from the first few words which caught my attention. They had a brilliant discussion about Michael Jackson and his cultural impact worldwide, and talked in detail about many of things from this thread. I watched the whole thing because it was so good. I especially thought Dr Dyson's points on the significance of the symbol and achievements of Michael Jackson essentially arguing that Michael Jackson was an important figure in black and world history to elevate black people and culture in general from the lowered state to a level of universal equality, in part because of his great success and exposure worldwide and in america. Y'all should check it out, it was a very thought provoking discussion.