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Old 06.27.2009, 03:50 AM   #231
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

Unfortunately, Michael's legacy is one of failure and sadness. It is truly sad when one cannot find happiness......when one cannot accept who they truly are. All of his worldly accomplishments, possessions and charity couldn't make him whole. Nor could his Jehovah Witness religion, body modifications or his family members.

YES - his songs will remain the same and time will never change that!

This I agree with. He was a victim of abuse who in turn became an abuser himself. Mix that with the fact that up until he really lost it, and with the dementia he had to cope with because of having been denied a safe childhood, free of any pressure, malign beatings, and god knows what other negativity infested his life, he happened to have great talent for pop music, at which he excelled up until Bad. Still not an exemplary human being, and one like many others, like Jenn rightly pointed out, who happen to have a talent for music.