Can we all just agree that:
1) All of the well-wishing and the RIP's are bullshit, as well as the outrage over anything but kindheartedness to the news. His death is the best thing that could have ever happened to his children. And my saying that is the equivalent of saying 'RIP Michael we luv u!!!" ... because this is a god damn message board comment, and none of his friends and family can see this. Any love and any hate fall into the exact same void. Any number multiplied by zero is still zero. Wanting to put your two cents in on his death is ultimately a selfish act, as it's just about wanting to be part of a shared social experience. Pretty much the equivalent of visiting Ground Zero while in town from Lawrence, Kansas.
2) Black people didn't 'invent' rock and roll, nor did white people 'steal' it from them. All music, since the very onset of globalization (excluding in cultures completely isolated and removed from any and all outside contact or influence) is a hybridization of styles and influences from across various races and cultures. Denoting things as 'black' and 'white' only furthers division.
And, those two things acknowledged, let us all get back to some hot gay Mexican foot/food fetish: