Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I haven't made any jokes yet (besides the Simpsons one) because I don't really care about this, honestly... and I can't believe other people do! I mean, I just love how a musician gets made fun of ENDLESSLY and people just flat-out don't give a shit about him for years and then he dies and suddenly it's the tragedy of the fucking year. Give me a break. Not directing that towards anyone on this board, but come on, the guy had been completely disgraced and torn apart for the last decade PLUS. And now all of a sudden, OH NOOOOOOOO WE LOST A HERO.
the people who denigrated michael are not the ones who are now sad. there are different kinds of people you know.
just because all anyone heard about MJ was a punchline and prurient for the past 20 years does not mean that a ton of people did not have much love for him and his music, going back to when he was 10 years old.