...reminds me of one time i was trying to have a nice pleasant mushroom trip when this cokehead fool started trying to get me to take pictures of him posing with his .38... normally i would have been really into it, try to get some larry clark type stuff
but as soon as his sidekick started raving about how if anyone mess with them he's gonna "kill them right in their face," set and setting were shot to shit.
the whole thing devolved into me and gun-boy arguing over who was "crazy;" me simply informing him of a pre-existing medical condition, he boasting about what a badass he is
me: i'm crazy.
him: naw, man
i'm crazy.
me: no. i mean i'm
actually crazy.
him: shit, i'm fuckin
crazy dawg.
me: yeah, but that's-
him: yo, i'm fuckin
me: ..............i'm-
him: craay-
me: .....
him: insane in the membrane.
insane in the brain.
me: ............ what time is it? man, i've got to get some sleep. nice hanging out. later, guys.