you poor bastard, there is a serious drought in the town i live in right now and on tuesday i hooched all me hooch and said to myself fuck it, i'll survive a week with out hooch, on wednesday night i was cracking up and then last night (thursday) i got a 1/4 at the last minute off a friend of mine that somehow got an ounce - so i'm happy daze again till that runs out, but i'd say the drought will be over then
i feel for you brother, nothing as bad
BTW Hooch = Hash
or are you talking about cigarettes? in which case have a fag and stop complaining!!
"Pescescimmia ha grandi bulbi oculari blu, ognuno attaccato su un lato della sua testa, in modo tale da risucire a guardare indietro senza girare la sua testa pesciosa"