I now have all the sun city girls cloaven videos. Also have every single album alan and richard and/or charles have ever appeared on. Kinda cool. I was going to post the cloaven videos to youtube but I couldn't find a good splitter. Then I was going to post them to archive.org but my isp shit out on me on the first one I tried to upload at about 72% and 3 hours. So, you know what? If anyone wants them, they're on soulseek or indietorrents. Honestly, having watched em all, after searching for 2 years, I'm a bit disappointed. I highly reccomend the original cloaven theater video, park of it's not over until the skinny arab lights the fuse, and I sorta reccomend halcyon days of symmetry. They've all got their good moments.. I really like some of the weird video collages and puppetry but it's not really worth all the time I spent looking and downloading em and stuff.