Originally Posted by phoenix
every deck is different and I dont know that one..
generally speaking if it has a major and minor arcana in the same numbers as the common standard deck types, then the numbers corresponding will be the same, with just different items changed in for cups, pentacles/discs, wands, and swords.. and meanings could be drawn from that.
Yes, I understand that. In my deck: pens=wands, pistols=swords, coffins=cups, reels=pentacles. But the cards themselves are as symbolic as a deck of playing cards. So, until I memorize each of the 56 meanings for each minor card...am I basically fucked? Or is there a pattern of some sort?
Originally Posted by phoenix
A lot of tarot is bonding with your deck though, and if it is non standard cards then you will just need to read what the author has suggested, and then start drawing your own meanings which will become more constant as you get to know them and work with them more.
Yes, my deck's based on acknowledging death as part of the circle of life. Hence the spooky skeletons.