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Old 05.19.2009, 05:27 AM   #4297
al shabbray
Posts: n/a
oh yes we did relax. really we did almost nothing the whole weekend. that was what I needed, and now I got too much energy
my classes did not happen today, my plan is now, to drive 50km to her, catching her from university and rescuing her from the bad mood of the other guys (@nefeli, you know what I mean ) then drive another 60 km to buy some shirts and other clothes maybe, then drive 50km again to bring my beloved car back to its place and then going with her to her home by train.
this will be too expansive especially for a totally broken student (specially this month) alone the gasoline will be around 25 euros, plus clothes and stuff.
but in my head it sounds like a lotta fun so who cares? hahaha