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Old 05.16.2009, 01:34 PM   #4296
al shabbray
Posts: n/a
last night I totally get drunk with my best ladyfriends and their boyfriends. missed my girl like hell. but I promised them a while ago that we will go on partying that day, cause one of the boyfriends is from sweden and just every second month here. and my gf told her best friend a while ago that she will go out with her too. so nobody of us could join the other one, but it was ok. this morning at 6:30 am I went to a couch fell asleep and waking up at 12 am, still drunk with a cat lying on my groin...the feeling freaked me out for some seconds till I saw it was the cat, hahahaah.
then I was brought back home, slept again, and the last hours I was around with the ladyfriend and the swedish boyfriend, driving around, throwing stones into water and having some food.
my gf will arrive in a hour, she told me that she got a big argument with her best firend, so shes pretty stressed out, I think we will watch a movie or something and then fall asleep pretty soon. I am totally exhausted from partying but looking forward to lay around

edit: I am outta here too, have a nice weekend y`all