Originally Posted by girlgun
all cooking is easy, yeah? it's just a matter of wanting to put in the time. i have never tried to make pasta. i guess i need to look it up, huh? i'm not usually a fan of lasagna.. which is weird because i love all the incredients. i'm going to do this. i have found the longer you have to cook something, the better it is.
For me, I was intimidated by cooking for a long time because there's always this sense of 'parboil for EXACTLY 32 seconds then add 1/52nd of the cubed parsley [etc]'. There is a lot of cooking that's like that, but for the average person, all you need to do is know that undercooked meat = the shits and dry things tend to soak up moist things.
So with pasta, you get 2 eggs and a small amount of fine flour in a bowl, mix up (with your hands, take off any rings so they dont get covered) and keep adding flour every few minutes (and a tiny smidge of water & salt) until you've got something springy and stretchy. You then spend a million years rolling it out (roll/ flip/ roll) and cut into sheets. OR if you're doing other pasta, boil it for not too long (2-5 minutes I'd say, but too long and it goes shit).
I tend to make lasagne with a layer of potatoes, peppers, herbs and spices on the bottom, a sheet of pasta and then a layer of mince fried with onions and tomotoes and a few spices and then another layer of pasta, with optional cheese on top. Stick it in the oven until it looks like it's alright (bearing in mind that everything's cooked already, this shouldn't take long) then serve.
Piece of piss.