my recipe for success: penne with ricotta in spinach in the oven
for four people:
500 gr. of penne
500 gr. of ricotta cheese
100 gr. of parmezan cheese
750 gr. of fresh spinach
sour cream
4 eggs
pepper and salt
cook the pasta al dente, dip the spinach in boiling water and chop it into smaller pieces. put the pasta in an oven dish. mix the ricotta cheese with the eggs, sour cream and parmezan. add the spinach, papper and salt. put the mix on top of the pasta and put it in the oven for about half an hour. leave to cool and stiffen for five minutes, then serve.
i'm sorry, i only know the quantities in the system we use here, but i'm sure the internet can give you something to translate this...
ps: roast some pineseeds for extra tastiness and turning it into a full vegetarian meal.