The X-men 4 screen game was excellent. I have a friend who actually once hooked it up to 4 separate computer monitors using Mame.
Here's some
unusual games you may remember. My friends used to call me a liar and say I was making this one up
If you can see there, the screen is a horizontal black surface for projecting holograms. Yes, this was a " holographic " fighting game. 2d holograms would actually rise out of the black tabletop into the air much like the chess game from Star Wars. They seemed to actually be projected onto the air. I actually just recently found out that this was an elaborate optical illusion created with mirrors and not an actual hologram, but I did not know this as a kid so when I told my friends I had just played a real hologram game, no one believed me. That was the only memorable thing about it. It was actually a really sucky game
Also, anyone ever play this one?
I'm so glad I was fortunate enough to have the chance to play this as a kid. My local arcade had it for 5 or 6 months and it was the highlight of my year. It was in color by the way, not b&w. Basically, you put a helmet on, put some sensors on, and held a joystick in your hand and bam, you were inside an M.C. Escher painting being chased by a huge green Pterodactyl. It was up to 4 players, Full 3D world, Your arms actually moved in real time with you. Same thing when you turned your head. You could duck down behind obstacles to avoid people's shots. It was insane. There was even an external screen so your friends could see what was going on. I remember my dad and my friend yelling out " It's RIGHT BEHIND YOU!! ". So fuckin cool. Seeing how amazing this thing was for 1992, it makes me wonder why no game companies have designed anymore virtual reality games. Seems with today's technology they could make something even more amazing. Oh well.