A trip to 3 Gamestops, a Gamecube controller and $8 yielded Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow today. I'm about 1/4-1/3 finished with about 2 hours played. So far it's much better than Harmony of Dissonance (AoS looks more like Circle of the Moon. With HoD, the characters/enemies were too big on the screen). The soul collection thing replaces the DSS or Gems/Books AND Subweapons of the last two. Now MP controls "subweapon" use and magical stuff. Basically, you can 3 souls equipped. 1 that gives you a subweapon, 1 that gives you flight, shield, etc, and 1 that is adds a passive/buffer effect (+4 Luck, Poison damage now boosts, 20% off store prices)