Love Sebadoh. Not more than Dinosaur Jr (Who I can't believe people call boring?), but fantastic in their own right.
Personally, I think Gaffney is sometimes overrated. Lou and Jason always wrote better songs. I don't really like much before III, and regarding III itself I don't think it holds a candle to Bakesale or Bubble and Scrape, my two favorites from them.
But that's why BaS is so awesome in a way; It's a huge clusterfuck of a record, but done to perfection. Lou is writing slower songs, Gaffney is writing crazy bizarre noise jams, and Jason is the middle ground of sorts. It actually captures what Sebadah originally were, so I think that's why a good chunk of fans say that one is their favorite.
Me? I love Bakesale the most. Just a really awesome mid 90s indie rock album done by some of the best. Definitely one of my favorites ever.