Production can make or break songs (And albums) to me. I hate the way Nevermind sounds; It's so overproduced and glossy but the songs themselves are great. On the other hand, a part of the charm of Surfer Rosa is how raw and violent it sounds. Even a bad song like Tony's Theme SOUNDS good, with the crazy distortion sound Joey gets on it.
Maybe this is just me, but the production on each album gives it it's own world. Say Loveless.... Some of the songs on it aren't that great, but the way it sounds is crazy. It has it's own feel, it's own universe inside of it. A song like "When You Sleep" brings me to a different place every time I hear it, it's otherworldly, and honestly that's one of the points a record should make: To bring you to a different place unlike any other album you own, to have it's own distinct sound.
Some of the best records have a sound unique to their own, like You're Living All Over Me... Daydream Nation.... Slanted and Enchanted.... In The Valley Of Dying Stars.... Disintegration.... Spiderland.... Etc, etc, etc, etc. Hopefully you get the point and I can stop looking like a jackass.