You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: fancy seeing you here
Stranger: its 0.25 where i live
You: 5 minutes too late to get high
Stranger: i like grapes
You: who doesn;t?
You: grapes rule
Stranger: donno
Stranger: after pineapples
You: donuts?
Stranger: pies

You: furpie?
Stranger: cream... pie..... ASKLFHKLAS
Stranger: cheesepie
Stranger: mudcake
You: jus dont dunk her head in the toilet whilst yr ballsdeep in her asshole
Stranger: what the fuck

Stranger: ill try to remember that
You: good advice
You: she needs to breathe too
You: we are all alive
Stranger: next time i have ballsdeep analsex with a WOMAN
You: with whatever

You: dogs don;t like it either

Stranger: horses?
You: MILF's however, they take anything as long as you pay them attention
Stranger: id like to know
Stranger: i dont want to hurt my horsey
You: dirty sanchez that equine
Your conversational partner has disconnected.