04.22.2009, 04:50 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Mar 2006
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Originally Posted by afterthefact
Yes! If I had sat down and listened to this album any time before 1999, it never would occured to me that anybody could make a decent cover (ahem, excuse me, re-imagining) of this on guitar, let alone one that may be just amazing.
I thought it was funny what allmusic.com said (yes, I had to go there to see exactly when the Cline version was released), "Cline's tastes run more towards the Stratocaster-in-a-garbage-disposal line, which means that a lot of Coltrane fans will run in terror from displays like the near-atonal freakout at the heart of "Leo."
Obviously the music itself is very different. Still, I see what he did as a perfectly linear progression from what Coltrane was doing in his day. If you were a Coltrane fan in '74, and you managed to keep your passion for new and exploratory delves into music over the years and not hang on to only what interested you at the time, then you would have to love Nels' version as well, and I feel it would hit you the same as Coltrane's Interstellar Space did when it was released.
I need to hear BOTH of these.