...and it made me incredibly happy.
I've never seen a full exhibition of her work, only one off pieces. I have loved her and her work since seeing the 'Infinity Room - Phalli's Field' at sydney biennale in 98 or 99.. and to see this now...
It. was. joyus.
I stood and smiled in the glowing dotty furnature room (pic here;
click ). And on the edge of nothingness in a sea of lights and water( like this;
http://www.e-flux.com/show_images/12...1image_web.jpg ). And floated in puffy grey squishyness. And felt so incredibly tiny amongst tens of mirrored lenses... and so much more. Many paintings and drawings and more sculpture, and video instals.
Her artistic journey and obsessiveness over work is so incredibly beautiful, and the extent of her catalogue of work is quite amazing..
kusama love.