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Old 04.15.2009, 09:33 AM   #1
Rob Instigator
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watching a show about telescopes I was struck by this last night. background.
Up until this century the universe was seen as STATIC, neither expanding nor contracting.
Hubble discovered that nearly everything in our sky (stars, galaxies, galaxy clusters, etc.) seems to be receding away from us. This led to the expanding universe theory, and the Big bang Theory, which have been fairly well confirmed.
everyone assumed that the universe started expanding super fast and has slowed dwn over the billiosn of years due to gravitational pull of all matter in universe.
tests done by scientists in the 80's and 90's showed that surprisingly, the expansion of the universe is accelerating! thisled people to posit the existence of a dark energy (energy we cannot yet detect) that is driving this expansion.
Now... to me that has always sounded like a crazy make-em-up.

this is what I wrote last night.

a universeexpands, ("Big Bang") irregularities begin to form
matter coalesces into clumps eventually resulting in the various galaxies we see
as local gravitation centers create these "clumps" they also create spaces of empty void.
originally, gravity would slow down expansion of Universe quite aggressively, but since gravity decreases as the SQUARE of the distance there would have to be a moment in the Universe's expansion when, as the clumps are separating themselves
from each other with ever-increasing voids, the collective Universal gravitational pull would decrease ever
faster allowing for the continuing burst of the expansion to have ever more power in the "outward" manner as the
gravity of the whole has in the "inward" manner. would this explain why the universe appears to us now, 15-18 BILLION years (at least) later to be steadily , to be increasing in it's rate of expansion from our local point of view? does this make sense?
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