love day's off.
slept till 10:30
walked the dog
did two loads of laundry
put away 6 boxes of clothes in garage storage
Brought in dumpsters from trash pickup
Threw trash away.
listened to Stankonia/Things Fall Apart/By All Means Necessary (BTW, xavier, my brother, used to tell me all the time to listen to BlackStar and I never did and now I am and goddamn it is awesome shit. sorry I did not listen when you fiorst said it a decade ago!)
went to get sliders
came back
found NFL network doing a 1.5 hour replay of 1958 NY GIANTS and BALTIMORE COLTS NFL championship gamne, first ever game to go to overtime, and they are talking to all the dudes, and they are bad ass old guys and the replays are amazing, old B+W newsreel and these fuckers are hitting HARD
great day off