Originally Posted by Lamont Cranston
No its not.
When the USA launches a satellite or space probe what is it done with? An Atlas or Titan or Proton.
What are they? Converted ICBMs.
North Korea has no aggressive intentions, it couldn't possibly because it would be wiped out in seconds after any attack, presuming it works this can represent a deterrent capability. Obviously the Americans don't like that because its much easier to go to war against the defenceless, once again showing the world that if you can defend yourself the Americans will negotiate where as if you can't like Iraq then they'll invade. And thats something they really don't like, its like humiliating the local bully or mafia don.
Another point is that this can be used by ultra-Nationalist elements in Japan to spur on adopting an independent position, something the Americans obviously wouldn't want.
Actually Korea has an undersea super city built where they will live after they nuke the world.