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Old 03.10.2009, 05:11 AM   #12
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I hate this Putin fuck
what I fucking hate is that bar bands always play BROWN-EYED GIRL
I Hate Poison And Bret Michaels And His Fucking Bald Head Disguised With A Wig And A Bandanna
i fucking HATE bono
Shaft is the single most over-rated boring piece of bullshit private dick filmmaking ever. I hate it and I want it dead
I fucking hate bars
It was trying so very very hard for WHIMSY, which I fucking hate
I hate that stupid line,
my veloria, even I adore ya. fucking stupid stupid

39. Do you watch Family Guy regularly?
no. I hate it so much. I hate it like I hate racism and Conan O'Brien. I wish everyone associated with family guy would drop dead so they could bury that fucking unfunny show and mankind can get back to it's proper course.

I hate shopping for anything other than books and records. I HATE IT.
I hate fucking hip hop samples where you can tell exactly what song it is from and that only samples one song so you are basically rappig over an instrumental version of a police song, or a tom tom club song. I fucking HATE that shit.
i also hate when songs aere used where the lyrics are suposed to describe the plot taking place.
I honestly think ALL staches suck. I hate them with a passion.
he loves the fuckemops and I hate hate HATE their bullshit music!
fucking sting. I hate sting.

I fucking HATE Tool
korn sucks ass. I hate them. It is like the scrawled angst of a twelve year old loser.I hate the deftones too
I FUCKING HATE that slow jam shit. HATE IT. I hate it so BAD
I hate it so much.
sonic youth is my all time favorite band, my all time favorite musicians, the single most important influence on my musical journey upon the Earth, but I fucking hate that album.

I hate the normal shit. I want the cutting edge shit.
I hate hearing bands tune on stage. hate it.
I was just talking shit about guys who wear makeup. I hated it in the 80's watching glam metal fucks do it and I hate it now.
me and earnest folkies do not mix. I hate their boring emotions.
fuck I hate today's rockabilly. any rockabilly after 1959 can go fucking die.
Andy Dick is a stupid ass dumbfuck. Not funny, the even more unfunny (barely)male equivalent of Kathy Griffen, who I fucking hate with all my heart.
I fucking HATE the harpsichord. HATE
I hate university of Texas college football fans most of all
however, I also hate the typical sports idiot, who thinks his cock is meausred by the amount of fervor he worships his personal sports heroes with.
I hate him and I want him dead (Conan O'Brien again)
I hate Preznit Dubya's double-speak bullshit.
I am sorry but I hate your hair (to Inhuman)
I HATE the fucking MEAT PUPPETS country trock bullshit!

I hate his musical decisions. I hate his decision to destroy the Police originally. I hate his mangling of Police classics on the new tour. Sting is hated by me for many many reasons.
I ESPECIALLY HATE STING ofr his atrocious "re-mix" of Dobn't Stand So Close To Me '86. FUCKING DESERVING OF VIRULENT next level HATE

I hate these guys. (My chemical Romance)
Nothing I hate more in the world that sitting whiel someone tells me their dreams seeking some sort of meaning.
I hate these fucking republicans./I fucking HATE these fuckers.
I fucking HATE Bright Eyes and he can fucking go die.
I hate fucking sell outs

I FUCKING HATE THEM!!!! (smashing pumpkins)

I fucking HATE HATE HATE HATE the SMASHING PUMPKINS> I take great pleasure in deriding them, their fans, their "music" their fucking ridiculously stupid band members, the troglodyte D'arcy (so artsy fartsy she has an apostrphe in her name like some sort of lovecraftian gargoyle), and dipshit fucking james Iha with his bullshit stupid fucking solo record. what a fucking waste of human breath. this is the band I take joy and pleasure in pummeling. if i ever run into Billy Corgan i will kick him in the neck with my steeltoes and laugh laugh laugh as he chokes on his frothy phlegmy blood and i will yell in his face "This one's for PAVEMENT BITCH!"

UGS suck ass too I fucking HATE trhem
I hate that shit, that whisper singing to hide the fact trhat you cannot sing.
One thing I do hate, and it is slightly irrational, is buying a vinyl of something I already own on CD.
I HATE top 40 music, I find it to be lowest common denominator music.
I HATE Bud adams
I HATE THAT! I don;t want to buy no fucking import nonsense!
If there is one thing I hate is the fucking stupid smug attitude that so called "scenesters" give me when they find out I LOVE football, and sport in general.
I hate it when someone plays just ONE SONG off of an album over and over and over again. I want to crush their foreheads
I hate the Family Guy with a vehemence fit for Top 40 radio.
Conan O' Brien, the talk show, I fucking hate with the rage and intensity of ten suns.
I hate Family Guy more though.

I FUCKING HATE FAMILY GUY, and I have hated it since the beggining
Oh, and I HATE the Jicks, I hate preston school of DULLNESS and I hate
Maklmus' solo shit. it SUCKS> BORING AS FUCK

I left some out, but here's an excerpt from your very first post on the board:

Random Fact: I hate U2

ha ha


11:11 11-11-11 I Ascended.
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