Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
Terrorists are old hat, bankers are the new public enemy number one. What say ye?
Aren't you making a similar point to a well-known group of terrorists who flew into a well-known centre of trade?
I've worked in banks in the past. It's astonishing the number of jobs that are mere flack that are there. Where I work at the moment, there's a handful of superfluous positions (slowly being axed/ re-constituted). When I worked in banks there were whole departments, buildings with hundreds of people doing jobs for no ostensible reason.
Q. Why are we doing this?
A. Because it is done.
Q. Why is it done?
A. It is not done yet - we are doing it now.
Funnily enough, whenever I've even approached the public sector, I've seen masses of very busy people doing worthwhile (albeit dull-as-shit) jobs. 5 years ago, the total publicisation of banks would've brought me out in hives, but it's clear that bankers are incapable of not being gratuitous cunts.