Originally Posted by Better_Than_You
That's precious.
And i downloaded soulseek but its not working for me.
however, thats entirely my problem.
i think i have too many firewalls, maybe?
Did you create a user account?
-if not, create one.
-if you do have one,
Have you connected to the server? (is the little thing under 'connection' green)
-if not, connect.
-if you have connected, it's probably a firewall blocking.
Originally Posted by SuperCreep
google it?
"ESG album name .rar"
"ESG album name blogspot"
"ESG album name rapidshare"
"ESG album name megaupload"
This also works too, but it's more difficult to know what kind of quality files you are getting. You basically have the guesstimate from file size unless the hoster or uploader expressly says it.