Krallice just sound exactly like Weakling to me. But if you're going to ripoff a band, that's probably the best black metal band to ripoff.
Mick Barr's an interesting player, I don't know if he's the BEST guitar player; I mean, I can play like he does and most guitarists can, at least for a few minutes. I'm sure his wrist gets tired though, which is interesting... he's a very physical player, something you don't usually see with guitar players... his technique is lots of tremolo picking (obviously), almost always chromatically, up and down every fret of the bottom two strings (not in Krallice, of course), with some simple tapping here or there. I think it's a cool technique and it occasionally produces a cool riff or two but I don't know if I'd really say he's the best guitar player around. I mean, could he play a slow series of notes that sounded good? Probably not. Could he write a really catchy, repetetive riff? HIGHLY doubt it. Besides Krallice, he has showed no real diversity or range over the course of hundreds of songs. He's perhaps the most UNDERRATED guitar player around, as I doubt any mainstream (or even most underground) magazines would latch onto his ability but his main strength in guitar playing is definitely his excellent memory, in regards to what to play at what time. I wish he'd occasionally change the MusicMan amp guitar tone he's used on every Crom-Tech, Octis, Ocrillim, and Orthrelm song.
Either way, I can't see what he does next.