Dire Straits - Making Movies
Forget the debut, and forget Brothers in Arms. This is their finest moment. One of my favorite albums by a Rock band. One of my favorite albums of the 1980s. The whole album sounds like it came from the inner city, sounds like it celebrates everything urban. I suppose that connotation for me comes from having purchased this while living in Minneapolis, but I still think it's their most "city-sounding" Lp in their entire catalog.
It's sad, it's joyous, it's beautiful. "All I do is miss you and the way we used to be/All I do is keep the beat and bad company..." and "She was made in heaven, heaven's inner world... Is this just expresso love, you see, I'm crazy for that girl... ." I could cry.
And I love the seriously beautiful and minimalistic cover art.
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.