Originally Posted by atsonicpark
The Killer and Tenebre are two of my all time favorite movies!
My family didn't get me anything for christmas. My girlfriend got me a few things though.
Lame man. I'm half Jewish half Catholic so when I was younger we used to do Channukah with one side of the family and Christmas with the other so I used to get loaded with gifts. My dad is an Atheist though so now we don't really do Channukah and just do Christmas as a celebration of being a family than anything having to religion. I don't mind though, my dad used to say to me, "Son, I grew up Jewish, and I can tell you there is one main difference between Christmas and Channukah: Christmas is great, and Channukah sucks." Haha. I think it might have to do with the fact that his parents being borderline insane than the actual holiday.
Christmas is always nice in my family though. We have a small extended family so it's easy to get everyone together. My dad and mom who are in the middle of a divorce were even getting along great. You gotta be pretty cynical to hate Christmas I think.