you might like indonesian gamelan music. the two best collections that i have heard, is one called i think Bali on naxos and the best one
Bali music from the morning of the world. i think its on nonesuch records. its great, and mr bungle on the last track of california, sang (i dont know if it was intentional or not) part of track 7 from this album.
are you familiar with the sun city girls?
anything released on sublime frequencies is well worth a listen.
as for classical music, what do you mean by that? baroque>? gallant, neo classical romantic?
what composers do you like?
id defiantly recomend listening to early to mid 17th century music. really amazing, avant garde/ beautiful stuff. monteverdi, caccini, and later on , shutz, purcell, correlli (his trio sonatas are fantastic)
if you want earlier, try 14th century ars nova music from the likes of machaut
i also really like perotin and leonin, they are 12 century notre dame polyphony. amazing textures of sound. they had an influence on 20th century minimalist music.
im recomending the earlier stuff because i know it a bit better, and less people are likely going to recomend this to you.
if you want monophony than i would recomend (and glice as well i belive) hildegard von bingen
i hope i was at all helpful...