ok, here are a couple.
i have a light switch in my bathroom that has three switches: one for lights, one for the vent, and one for heat. i usually turn the first and second on simultaneously with a flick of the side of my left hand, and if i somehow fail to turn them on (or off) simultaneously i have to turn them on, off, on, off, on, off, on, off, on, off -- five times, and if i screw up on one of those i have to start over until i get it right five times in a row. i just discovered yesterday that i smashed the switch partially into the wall by doing this.
also, i can't touch doorknobs in public places with my bare hands -- i always have to use the sleeve or bottom of my shirt to open it. and i can't touch the flusher in public toilets either -- i have to kick it (or use my elbow, in the case of a urinal).
let's see . . . i can't set alarm clocks or microwaves to multiples of 5 minutes/seconds, unless they have no such option (my new microwave only works in multiples of 15 seconds, which drove me mad for months).
when i turn off the television i have to set it to channel 3, then push up to channel 4, then turn it off.
i have to rinse out anything that held food or drink (except water), even if i'm going to throw it away.
i could go on, but i can't think of anything else now.