Originally Posted by khchris
Can't forget about Pasolini's La Strada!
la strada is fellini's...was it some kind of ironic, isnt'it? i hope so.
pasolini is my favourite.
teorema is excellent-both the novel and the movie.
on june 21st I'm going to partecipate to a """performance""" about africa (end-celebration of a photograph exibition of this:
www.kumbaproject.org...) I'll be mixing some of his "spoken-thoughts" from
"appunti per un'orestiade"
the documentary he shot in africa few before he was killed
mygrandfather's brother met him once (he was a sort of playboy in the rome of the 50/60's...) and he has a small cameo in mamma roma (you can see him in the market while buying some vegetables just for one second

he said he was shy and fragile, very defensive but extremely generous and beloved by all the simple people that had small parts in his movies.
My "uncle" remembers that Citti was really his disceple/appendix, and actually there really was something morbid in their relation...
Lately I read"the smell of india", the journal of his travel in india in 196? with alberto moravia and dacia maraini (two other important literary personalities of the time) and this small book is astonishing.
he analyses indian through bourgeois values, and this is weird: there's not really a sense and reaserch for adventure since he's always accompained by drivers, he sleeps in wonderful hotels etc., but once again he shows the human crisis between this bourgeois cage (his travel friends:moravia appears as a lazy tourist, maraini as a superficial emancipated woman of class) and the sacrality of the poor, slow, apparentely happy life of hindus.
ambigous is pasolini's friendships with some kids of the street, but is in ballance with his usual search for a completeness of senses and its aesthetic ecstasy...
he also meets mother terese from calcutta!!
check it out!
[see my signature below!]