Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
have fun josh! lots of details when you get back.. if you're not tired out.
I'll just go bullet form:
- Most violent show I've ever been to. I was in/on the edge of the mosh the whole time.
- I did a lot of fist-pumping and singing.
- I also cracked my head against some chick's skull.
- The only songs they didn't play I wanted to hear were "Demonomania" and "We Bite"
- "Skulls", "Astro Zombies", "I Turned Into A Martian", and "Hybrid Moments" will go down as some of my best live moments
- The pit during "Die, Die My Darling" was the most intense I've ever seen.
- I called the venue and they told me they had coat check, but when I got there they said they didn't have one for this show, So I was stuck in my coat all night. I rolled up the sleeves and put my scarf in my pocket.
- I have never been covered in the sweat of so many other people. I'd say upwards of 20.
- During the opening band, a beer cup was thrown and somehow beer ended up in my pocket.
That's about it I guess.
Here's the part where I reaffirm my statement that I'd rather be in a pit with punks than at a show full of hipsters any day.