The man twists his mustache and checks his watch. As the seconds tick closer to noon the camera flashes a speeding train several time and then cuts to a woman tied to the tracks. The train speeding down on her the man jumps near her side and rubs and smells her hair. The woman screams I’ll do anything. Let me go! The man unties her and she is saved. She says thank you sir for saving me. Did you see the man who did this to me? The man said no. She asked “How did you know I was here” The man explains “There is always a woman here at noon. They always say that they will do anything and I always let them go. “I see said the woman.” What do you want of me? The man thinks for several seconds. Tilts his head to the side and said lift your dress for starters. She lifts it a little. Higher…a little more, HIGHER, HIGHER, HIGHER, till I see nothing but crotch. She lifts and she screamed. I knew it he yelled. I knew it would happen…He removes a pair of scissors and chops off clumps of her pubic hair and puts them in a glass jar and he scurries away and the woman falls to her side and cries. The man bounds over a hill, along a river, and to a little clearing by some trees. There are drag marks along the ground. He follows them. He reaches Christ and the devil carrying a cross covered in sweat. He hands Jesus the jar and takes the cross from them and drags it up the road and is gone. Jesus and the devil exhausted sit against a tree. They open the jar and stuff their mouths full of the young girl’s pubic hair. Slowly it revitalizes them. They then laugh with mouthfuls of hair.
Narration: The gods are rich and with them we poor men may be rich as well.
Switch to the tents and all the people come running out with their mouths full of pubic hair dancing around like they had won the lottery rejoicing.