Originally Posted by Moshe
My first encounter with SY came when the skinny Nietzsche-quoting, bleach blond, black-clad skinny lad who fancied himself the New Musical Express office intellectual reverently placed one of their LPs on the communal turntable.
"This has no tunes," I said.
"It's punk, you deaf bastard!" sneered the po-mo ponce.
"And yet it also lacks polemic, originality, wit, dynamic or indeed anything to suggest this isn't muzak churned out by aliens who, having studied the popular music of earth, reveal themselves as soulless replicant automatons through their inability to recreate an even vaguely passable pastiche. Aaaargh! Fuck! Stop stabbing me!"

I wish more people would talk like this. I dont mean it in a patronising way either, i love the way he talks about meeting Thurston. Fact is im sure alot of Sonic Youth fans take it all a bit too seriously (ive not actually met anyone who likes them as much as me, possibly to my advantage). SY do mean the world to me, more than any other group. But lets not lose track of our sense of humour kids, if someone hates it and can be articulate about it, then thats better than someone who loves it and talks in cliches.