Fuck, writing new music when you play several different styles is like trying to write a poem in several different languages, with opposing syntax and grammar as well as feel and vibe...
When I was just a metalish/chaos punk guitar player it was easy, I came up with dreary ambient melodies and heavy feedback oriented tunes like once a week at least, and three chord furious punk tunes daily... further these translated into wonderful melodies on the acoustic when you slowed em down.
But then I evolved as a musician.
First it was the blues and rock and roll. I learned how to play chuck berry solos and play folk and blues tunes, joined a porch blues band, and then I didn't write very much heavier stuff, just blues tunes!
Then it progressed into a jazz fusion thing, which met Jerry Garcia and jam bandism which destroyed the heaviness. There was a bit coming back in the interludes of the blues days, but once I went jam band there was no room for heavy stuff. See I was already way to into flange and delay to begin with, as well as lead driven fills, and so jammin was more my style.
Alas, finally I succombed as a Rastaman to the sweet reggae music. Trutfully I just could not play reggae, was not able to catch the rhythm of it, until one day, like magic it was there. Now...
I write reggae tunes, good ones, original rhythms not just workings of standards.. and yet, I have written maybe one heavy tune in six months, and that was only because it came out of me on acid the other night, and the three previous heavy tunes I wrote before it resulted from mushrooms trips...
I think my musical mind is confused by the plurality of its linguistic capabilities..
..."lost in the
