Carnival Of Light
McCartney, Lennon Harrison, Starr voices organ, guitar, tambourine, effects, loops
Recorded: 5th January 1967, Abbey Road 2.
Producer: George Martin Engineer: Geoff Emerick.
Rejected for Anthology 2 - supposedly by Harrison but probably also by others involved - this 13:48 'freak-out' was taped by The Beatles during an evening session following a vocal overdub on Penny Lane. For various reasons, it will never be officially released, although it may, of course, eventually end up on a bootleg. Almost no one outside the Apple circle has heard it and interest among 'Beatleologists' is consequentially high. In fact, an enterprising fraudster could easily counterfeit a black-market version, since the real thing sounds nothing like The Beatles.
A free-form piece without beat or key, Carnival of Light was instigated and directed by McCartney eighteen months before Lennon's Revolution 9. For this reason, if nothing else, McCartney is proud of it and apparently still hankers for it to be in the public domain. Yet while it establishes his 'underground' credentials ahead of Lennon's, Carnival of Light cannot be compared to Revolution 9.